Download OpenAPI specification:Download
API to manage semantic models and namespaces for a Model Catalog
Certain resources are supporting conditional headers like If-Match
or If-Modified-Since
which makes a request
conditional. This allows to further optimize requests e.g. to avoid the download of model elements if it has not
been modified since the date defined by If-Modified-Since
Further it is possible to combine headers by defining it separately. Using 'curl' this looks like:
curl ... -H 'If-Match: {hash}' -H 'If-Modified-Since: {date-time}'
The API offers currently one form of authentication:
The API uses the HAL Format for HATEOAS see
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
file required | string <binary> |
{- "totalItems": 0,
- "currentPage": 0,
- "totalPages": 0,
- "itemCount": 0,
- "items": [
- {
- "urn": "urn:samm:com.mycompany:1.0.0",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "namespace": "com.mycompany",
- "state": "RELEASED",
- "owned": true,
- "stateChangedAt": "2023-06-20T05:26:00.123456789Z",
- "numberOfAspects": 0,
- "numberOfProperties": 0,
- "numberOfCharacteristics": 0,
- "numberOfEvents": 0,
- "numberOfOperations": 0,
- "numberOfEntities": 0,
- "numberOfConstraints": 0
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
page | integer >= 0 Default: 0 Index of the current page |
pageSize | integer [ 1 .. 500 ] Default: 500 |
{- "totalItems": 0,
- "currentPage": 0,
- "totalPages": 0,
- "itemCount": 0,
- "items": [
- {
- "urn": "urn:samm:com.mycompany:1.0.0",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "namespace": "com.mycompany",
- "state": "RELEASED",
- "owned": true,
- "stateChangedAt": "2023-06-20T05:26:00.123456789Z",
- "numberOfAspects": 0,
- "numberOfProperties": 0,
- "numberOfCharacteristics": 0,
- "numberOfEvents": 0,
- "numberOfOperations": 0,
- "numberOfEntities": 0,
- "numberOfConstraints": 0
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (NamespaceUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0 Qualified identifier for a versioned Namespace |
fully-resolved | boolean Default: false Enforce to fully resolve external references and return it as one TTL |
<<binary content>>
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (NamespaceUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0 Qualified identifier for a versioned Namespace |
{- "tenantId": "f97df110-f4de-492e-8849-4a6af68026b0"
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (NamespaceUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0 Qualified identifier for a versioned Namespace |
{- "totalItems": 0,
- "currentPage": 0,
- "totalPages": 0,
- "itemCount": 0,
- "items": [
- {
- "urn": "urn:samm:com.mycompany:1.0.0",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "namespace": "com.mycompany",
- "state": "RELEASED",
- "owned": true,
- "stateChangedAt": "2023-06-20T05:26:00.123456789Z"
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (NamespaceUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0 Qualified identifier for a versioned Namespace |
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (NamespaceUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0 Qualified identifier for a versioned Namespace |
state required | string (StateDto) Enum: "DRAFT" "RELEASED" "DEPRECATED" The possible workflow states a namespace can have |
{- "state": "RELEASED"
{- "totalItems": 0,
- "currentPage": 0,
- "totalPages": 0,
- "itemCount": 0,
- "items": [
- {
- "urn": "urn:samm:com.mycompany:1.0.0",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "namespace": "com.mycompany",
- "state": "RELEASED",
- "owned": true,
- "stateChangedAt": "2023-06-20T05:26:00.123456789Z"
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (NamespaceUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0 Qualified identifier for a versioned Namespace |
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (AspectModelUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0%23Movement Encoded qualified identifier of the Aspect Model Element |
{- "@id": "",
- "samm:events": {
- "@list": [
- {
- "@id": ""
}, - "samm:operations": {
- "@list": [
- {
- "@id": ""
}, - "@type": "samm:Aspect",
- "samm:properties": {
- "@list": [
- {
- "@id": ""
}, - "samm:description": {
- "@language": "en",
- "@value": "A test Aspect"
}, - "@context": {
- "other": "",
- "samm-c": "urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:characteristic:2.1.0#",
- "samm": "urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:meta-model:2.1.0#",
- "@vocab": ""
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (AspectModelUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0%23Movement Encoded qualified identifier of the Aspect Model Element |
@prefix rdf: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . <urn:samm:com.mycompany.test:1.2.0#BooleanEntity> a <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:meta-model:2.1.0#Entity> ; <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:meta-model:2.1.0#properties> ( <> ) . <urn:samm:com.mycompany.test:1.2.0#BooleanTestCharacteristic> a <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:meta-model:2.1.0#Characteristic> ; <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:meta-model:2.1.0#dataType> xsd:boolean ; <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:meta-model:2.1.0#preferredName> "BooleanTestCharacteristic"@en .
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (AspectModelUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0%23Movement Encoded qualified identifier of the Aspect Model Element |
<<binary content>>
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (AspectModelUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0%23Movement Encoded qualified identifier of the Aspect Model Element |
locale | string Default: "en" Locale to resolve e.g. preferred name and description |
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" height="867.25pt" width="1079.0pt" viewBox="0.00 0.00 1079.0 867.25"> <g id="graph_root" class="graph" transform="scale(1.0 1.0) rotate(0)"> </g> </svg>
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (AspectModelUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0%23Movement Encoded qualified identifier of the Aspect Model Element |
locale | string Default: "en" Locale to resolve e.g. preferred name and description |
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; chartset=utf-8"> <title>Documentation TestAspect</title> </head> <body class="flex"> <header class="fixed w-full flex flex-col z-10 top-0 bg-white"> <h1 id="TestAspect">Aspect Model TestAspect</h1> <div class='pb-4'>urn:samm:com.mycompany.test:1.2.0#TestAspect</div> </header> <div class="pb-5"> A test Aspect </div> </body> </html>
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (AspectModelUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0%23Movement Encoded qualified identifier of the Aspect Model Element |
{- "description": "A test Aspect",
- "type": "object",
- "components": {
- "schemas": {
- "urn_samm_com.mycompany.test_1.2.0_BooleanTestCharacteristic": {
- "type": "boolean"
}, - "properties": {
- "testBoolean": { },
- "secondTestBoolean": { }
}, - "required": [
- "testBoolean",
- "secondTestBoolean"
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (AspectModelUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0%23Movement Encoded qualified identifier of the Aspect Model Element |
{- "testBoolean": true,
- "secondTestBoolean": false
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (AspectModelUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0%23Movement Encoded qualified identifier of the Aspect Model Element |
language | string Default: "en" The language of the Aspect Model that will be used for generation in ISO 639 format |
baseUrl | string Default: "" The base URL that will be used in the OpenAPI specification |
includeQueryApi | boolean Default: false Add query API to the generated specification |
includeCrud | boolean Default: false Include the POST/PUT/PATCH methods in the OpenAPI specification |
includePatch | boolean Default: false Include the PATCH method in the OpenAPI specification |
includePost | boolean Default: false Include the POST method in the OpenAPI specification |
includePut | boolean Default: false Include the PUT method in the OpenAPI specification |
useSemanticVersion | boolean Default: false Determines whether semantic versioning should be used for the API. i.e., true = v1.2.3, false = v1 |
generateCommentForSeeAttributes | boolean Default: false Generate $comment OpenAPI element for samm:see attributes in the model |
resourcePath | string The resource path for the Aspect API endpoints |
properties | string A String containing all the information for dynamic properties mentioned in the resource path. The string must be syntactically valid YAML or JsonNode. |
template | string A template can be used for more specific customization. The template is a document in the OpenAPI format, with one crucial difference - the presence of a templated Paths Object paths.$$DEFAULT_QUERIES_TEMPLATE$$. All values not defined by the generator will be taken from the template. For generator-defined Aspect Model resources, the values can be taken from the corresponding Operation Object template paths.$$DEFAULT_QUERIES_TEMPLATE$$. |
{- "language": "en",
- "includeQueryApi": true,
- "includeCrud": true,
- "includePatch": true,
- "includePost": true,
- "includePut": true,
- "useSemanticVersion": true,
- "generateCommentForSeeAttributes": true,
- "resourcePath": "/resources/{resourceId}",
- "properties": "resourceId:\n name: resourceId\n in: path\n description: \"A parameter.\"\n required: true\n schema:\n type: string\n",
- "template": "paths:\n __DEFAULT_QUERIES_TEMPLATE__:\n get:\n responses:\n '400':\n $ref: \"core-api.yaml#/components/responses/ClientError\"\n '401':\n $ref: \"core-api.yaml#/components/responses/Unauthorized\"\n '403':\n $ref: \"core-api.yaml#/components/responses/Forbidden\"\n",
{- "value": "{\n \"openapi\":\"3.0.3\",\n \"info\":{\n \"title\":\"ValidTestAspect\",\n \"version\":\"v1\"\n },\n \"servers\":[\n {\n \"url\":\"/api/v1\",\n \"variables\":{\n \"api-version\":{\n \"default\":\"v1\"\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n \"paths\":{\n \"/{tenant-id}/valid-test-aspect\":{\n \"get\":{\n \"tags\":[\n \"ValidTestAspect\"\n ],\n \"operationId\":\"getValidTestAspect\",\n \"parameters\":[\n {\n \"name\":\"tenant-id\",\n \"in\":\"path\",\n \"description\":\"The ID of the tenant owning the requested Twin.\",\n \"required\":true,\n \"schema\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"format\":\"uuid\"\n }\n }\n ],\n \"responses\":{\n \"200\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/ValidTestAspect\"\n },\n \"401\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/ClientError\"\n },\n \"402\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/Unauthorized\"\n },\n \"403\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/Forbidden\"\n },\n \"404\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/NotFoundError\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"post\":{\n \"servers\":[\n {\n \"url\":\"/query-api/v1\",\n \"variables\":{\n \"api-version\":{\n \"default\":\"v1\"\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n \"tags\":[\n \"ValidTestAspect\"\n ],\n \"operationId\":\"postValidTestAspect\",\n \"parameters\":[\n {\n \"name\":\"tenant-id\",\n \"in\":\"path\",\n \"description\":\"The ID of the tenant owning the requested Twin.\",\n \"required\":true,\n \"schema\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"format\":\"uuid\"\n }\n }\n ],\n \"requestBody\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/requestBodies/Filter\"\n },\n \"responses\":{\n \"200\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/ValidTestAspect\"\n },\n \"401\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/ClientError\"\n },\n \"402\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/Unauthorized\"\n },\n \"403\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/Forbidden\"\n },\n \"404\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/NotFoundError\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n },\n \"components\":{\n \"schemas\":{\n \"ErrorResponse\":{\n \"type\":\"object\",\n \"required\":[\n \"error\"\n ],\n \"properties\":{\n \"error\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/Error\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"Error\":{\n \"type\":\"object\",\n \"required\":[\n \"details\"\n ],\n \"properties\":{\n \"message\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"minLength\":1\n },\n \"path\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"minLength\":1\n },\n \"details\":{\n \"type\":\"object\",\n \"minLength\":1,\n \"additionalProperties\":{\n \"type\":\"object\"\n }\n },\n \"code\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"nullable\":true\n }\n }\n },\n \"Filter\":{\n \"type\":\"object\",\n \"required\":[\n \"filter\"\n ],\n \"properties\":{\n \"filter\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"description\":\"The filter to use.\",\n \"example\":\"filter={filter expression}\"\n },\n \"option\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"description\":\"The option for the filter.\",\n \"example\":\"option=limit({start},{count})\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"urn_samm_org.eclipse.esmf.samm_characteristic_2.1.0_Text\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"description\":\"Describes a Property which contains plain text. This is intended exclusively for human readable strings, not for identifiers, measurement values, etc.\"\n },\n \"\":{\n \"type\":\"number\",\n \"minimum\":-2147483648,\n \"maximum\":2147483647\n },\n \"\":{\n \"type\":\"number\"\n },\n \"\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"pattern\":\"-?([1-9][0-9]{3,}|0[0-9]{3})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])T(([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](\\\\.[0-9]+)?|(24:00:00(\\\\.0+)?))(Z|(\\\\+|-)((0[0-9]|1[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]|14:00))?\"\n },\n \"ValidTestAspect\":{\n \"type\":\"object\",\n \"properties\":{\n \"testString\":{\n \"description\":\"A big description for testString which it will be splitted by generation into multiple lines\",\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/urn_samm_org.eclipse.esmf.samm_characteristic_2.1.0_Text\"\n },\n \"testInt\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/\"\n },\n \"testFloat\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/\"\n },\n \"testLocalDateTime\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/\"\n },\n \"randomValue\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/urn_samm_org.eclipse.esmf.samm_characteristic_2.1.0_Text\"\n }\n },\n \"required\":[\n \"testString\",\n \"testInt\",\n \"testFloat\",\n \"testLocalDateTime\",\n \"randomValue\"\n ]\n }\n },\n \"responses\":{\n \"Unauthorized\":{\n \"description\":\"The requesting user or client is not authenticated.\"\n },\n \"Forbidden\":{\n \"description\":\"The requesting user or client is not authorized to access resources for the given tenant.\"\n },\n \"NotFoundError\":{\n \"description\":\"The requested Twin has not been found.\"\n },\n \"ClientError\":{\n \"description\":\"Payload or user input is invalid. See error details in the payload for more.\",\n \"content\":{\n \"application/json\":{\n \"schema\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n \"ValidTestAspect\":{\n \"content\":{\n \"application/json\":{\n \"schema\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/ValidTestAspect\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"description\":\"The request was successful.\"\n }\n },\n \"requestBodies\":{\n \"ValidTestAspect\":{\n \"content\":{\n \"application/json\":{\n \"schema\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/ValidTestAspect\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n \"Filter\":{\n \"content\":{\n \"application/json\":{\n \"schema\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/Filter\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n"
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (AspectModelUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0%23Movement Encoded qualified identifier of the Aspect Model Element |
language | string Default: "en" The language of the Aspect Model that will be used for generation in ISO 639 format |
baseUrl | string Default: "" The base URL that will be used in the OpenAPI specification |
includeQueryApi | boolean Default: false Add query API to the generated specification |
includeCrud | boolean Default: false Include the POST/PUT/PATCH methods in the OpenAPI specification |
includePatch | boolean Default: false Include the PATCH method in the OpenAPI specification |
includePost | boolean Default: false Include the POST method in the OpenAPI specification |
includePut | boolean Default: false Include the PUT method in the OpenAPI specification |
useSemanticVersion | boolean Default: false Determines whether semantic versioning should be used for the API. i.e., true = v1.2.3, false = v1 |
generateCommentForSeeAttributes | boolean Default: false Generate $comment OpenAPI element for samm:see attributes in the model |
resourcePath | string The resource path for the Aspect API endpoints |
properties | string A String containing all the information for dynamic properties mentioned in the resource path. The string must be syntactically valid YAML or JsonNode. |
template | string A template can be used for more specific customization. The template is a document in the OpenAPI format, with one crucial difference - the presence of a templated Paths Object paths.$$DEFAULT_QUERIES_TEMPLATE$$. All values not defined by the generator will be taken from the template. For generator-defined Aspect Model resources, the values can be taken from the corresponding Operation Object template paths.$$DEFAULT_QUERIES_TEMPLATE$$. |
{- "language": "en",
- "includeQueryApi": true,
- "includeCrud": true,
- "includePatch": true,
- "includePost": true,
- "includePut": true,
- "useSemanticVersion": true,
- "generateCommentForSeeAttributes": true,
- "resourcePath": "/resources/{resourceId}",
- "properties": "resourceId:\n name: resourceId\n in: path\n description: \"A parameter.\"\n required: true\n schema:\n type: string\n",
- "template": "paths:\n __DEFAULT_QUERIES_TEMPLATE__:\n get:\n responses:\n '400':\n $ref: \"core-api.yaml#/components/responses/ClientError\"\n '401':\n $ref: \"core-api.yaml#/components/responses/Unauthorized\"\n '403':\n $ref: \"core-api.yaml#/components/responses/Forbidden\"\n",
{ "value": "---\nopenapi: 3.0.3\ninfo:\n title: ValidTestAspect\n version: v1\nservers:\n- url: \"/api/v1\"\n variables:\n api-version:\n default: v1\npaths:\n \"/{tenant-id}/valid-test-aspect\":\n get:\n tags:\n - ValidTestAspect\n operationId: getValidTestAspect\n parameters:\n - name: tenant-id\n in: path\n description: The ID of the tenant owning the requested Twin.\n required: true\n schema:\n type: string\n format: uuid\n responses:\n '200':\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/responses/ValidTestAspect\"\n '401':\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/responses/ClientError\"\n '402':\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/responses/Unauthorized\"\n '403':\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/responses/Forbidden\"\n '404':\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/responses/NotFoundError\"\n post:\n servers:\n - url: \"/query-api/v1\"\n variables:\n api-version:\n default: v1\n tags:\n - ValidTestAspect\n operationId: postValidTestAspect\n parameters:\n - name: tenant-id\n in: path\n description: The ID of the tenant owning the requested Twin.\n required: true\n schema:\n type: string\n format: uuid\n requestBody:\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/requestBodies/Filter\"\n responses:\n '200':\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/responses/ValidTestAspect\"\n '401':\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/responses/ClientError\"\n '402':\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/responses/Unauthorized\"\n '403':\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/responses/Forbidden\"\n '404':\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/responses/NotFoundError\"\ncomponents:\n schemas:\n ErrorResponse:\n type: object\n required:\n - error\n properties:\n error:\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/schemas/Error\"\n Error:\n type: object\n required:\n - details\n properties:\n message:\n type: string\n minLength: 1\n path:\n type: string\n minLength: 1\n details:\n type: object\n minLength: 1\n additionalProperties:\n type: object\n code:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n Filter:\n type: object\n required:\n - filter\n properties:\n filter:\n type: string\n description: The filter to use.\n example: filter={filter expression}\n option:\n type: string\n description: The option for the filter.\n example: option=limit({start},{count})\n urn_samm_org.eclipse.esmf.samm_characteristic_2.1.0_Text:\n type: string\n description: Describes a Property which contains plain text. This is intended\n exclusively for human readable strings, not for identifiers, measurement values,\n etc.\n\n type: number\n minimum: -2147483648\n maximum: 2147483647\n\n type: number\n\n type: string\n pattern: \"-?([1-9][0-9]{3,}|0[0-9]{3})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])T(([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](\\\\.[0-9]+)?|(24:00:00(\\\\.0+)?))(Z|(\\\\+|-)((0[0-9]|1[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]|14:00))?\"\n ValidTestAspect:\n type: object\n properties:\n testString:\n description: A big description for testString which it will be splitted\n by generation into multiple lines\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/schemas/urn_samm_org.eclipse.esmf.samm_characteristic_2.1.0_Text\"\n testInt:\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/schemas/\"\n testFloat:\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/schemas/\"\n testLocalDateTime:\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/schemas/\"\n randomValue:\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/schemas/urn_samm_org.eclipse.esmf.samm_characteristic_2.1.0_Text\"\n required:\n - testString\n - testInt\n - testFloat\n - testLocalDateTime\n - randomValue\n responses:\n Unauthorized:\n description: The requesting user or client is not authenticated.\n Forbidden:\n description: The requesting user or client is not authorized to access resources\n for the given tenant.\n NotFoundError:\n description: The requested Twin has not been found.\n ClientError:\n description: Payload or user input is invalid. See error details in the payload\n for more.\n content:\n application/json:\n schema:\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse\"\n ValidTestAspect:\n content:\n application/json:\n schema:\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/schemas/ValidTestAspect\"\n description: The request was successful.\n requestBodies:\n ValidTestAspect:\n content:\n application/json:\n schema:\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/schemas/ValidTestAspect\"\n Filter:\n content:\n application/json:\n schema:\n \"$ref\": \"#/components/schemas/Filter\"\n" }
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (AspectModelUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0%23Movement Encoded qualified identifier of the Aspect Model Element |
Accept required | string Enum: "application/json" "application/yaml" Specifies the desired response format. Supported values: |
language | string Default: "en" The language of the Aspect Model that will be used for generation in ISO 639 format |
baseUrl | string Default: "" The base URL that will be used in the OpenAPI specification |
includeQueryApi | boolean Default: false Add query API to the generated specification |
includeCrud | boolean Default: false Include the POST/PUT/PATCH methods in the OpenAPI specification |
includePatch | boolean Default: false Include the PATCH method in the OpenAPI specification |
includePost | boolean Default: false Include the POST method in the OpenAPI specification |
includePut | boolean Default: false Include the PUT method in the OpenAPI specification |
useSemanticVersion | boolean Default: false Determines whether semantic versioning should be used for the API. i.e., true = v1.2.3, false = v1 |
generateCommentForSeeAttributes | boolean Default: false Generate $comment OpenAPI element for samm:see attributes in the model |
resourcePath | string The resource path for the Aspect API endpoints |
properties | string A String containing all the information for dynamic properties mentioned in the resource path. The string must be syntactically valid YAML or JsonNode. |
template | string A template can be used for more specific customization. The template is a document in the OpenAPI format, with one crucial difference - the presence of a templated Paths Object paths.$$DEFAULT_QUERIES_TEMPLATE$$. All values not defined by the generator will be taken from the template. For generator-defined Aspect Model resources, the values can be taken from the corresponding Operation Object template paths.$$DEFAULT_QUERIES_TEMPLATE$$. |
{- "language": "en",
- "includeQueryApi": true,
- "includeCrud": true,
- "includePatch": true,
- "includePost": true,
- "includePut": true,
- "useSemanticVersion": true,
- "generateCommentForSeeAttributes": true,
- "resourcePath": "/resources/{resourceId}",
- "properties": "resourceId:\n name: resourceId\n in: path\n description: \"A parameter.\"\n required: true\n schema:\n type: string\n",
- "template": "paths:\n __DEFAULT_QUERIES_TEMPLATE__:\n get:\n responses:\n '400':\n $ref: \"core-api.yaml#/components/responses/ClientError\"\n '401':\n $ref: \"core-api.yaml#/components/responses/Unauthorized\"\n '403':\n $ref: \"core-api.yaml#/components/responses/Forbidden\"\n",
{- "value": "{\n \"openapi\":\"3.0.3\",\n \"info\":{\n \"title\":\"ValidTestAspect\",\n \"version\":\"v1\"\n },\n \"servers\":[\n {\n \"url\":\"/api/v1\",\n \"variables\":{\n \"api-version\":{\n \"default\":\"v1\"\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n \"paths\":{\n \"/{tenant-id}/valid-test-aspect\":{\n \"get\":{\n \"tags\":[\n \"ValidTestAspect\"\n ],\n \"operationId\":\"getValidTestAspect\",\n \"parameters\":[\n {\n \"name\":\"tenant-id\",\n \"in\":\"path\",\n \"description\":\"The ID of the tenant owning the requested Twin.\",\n \"required\":true,\n \"schema\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"format\":\"uuid\"\n }\n }\n ],\n \"responses\":{\n \"200\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/ValidTestAspect\"\n },\n \"401\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/ClientError\"\n },\n \"402\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/Unauthorized\"\n },\n \"403\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/Forbidden\"\n },\n \"404\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/NotFoundError\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"post\":{\n \"servers\":[\n {\n \"url\":\"/query-api/v1\",\n \"variables\":{\n \"api-version\":{\n \"default\":\"v1\"\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n \"tags\":[\n \"ValidTestAspect\"\n ],\n \"operationId\":\"postValidTestAspect\",\n \"parameters\":[\n {\n \"name\":\"tenant-id\",\n \"in\":\"path\",\n \"description\":\"The ID of the tenant owning the requested Twin.\",\n \"required\":true,\n \"schema\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"format\":\"uuid\"\n }\n }\n ],\n \"requestBody\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/requestBodies/Filter\"\n },\n \"responses\":{\n \"200\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/ValidTestAspect\"\n },\n \"401\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/ClientError\"\n },\n \"402\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/Unauthorized\"\n },\n \"403\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/Forbidden\"\n },\n \"404\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/NotFoundError\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n },\n \"components\":{\n \"schemas\":{\n \"ErrorResponse\":{\n \"type\":\"object\",\n \"required\":[\n \"error\"\n ],\n \"properties\":{\n \"error\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/Error\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"Error\":{\n \"type\":\"object\",\n \"required\":[\n \"details\"\n ],\n \"properties\":{\n \"message\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"minLength\":1\n },\n \"path\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"minLength\":1\n },\n \"details\":{\n \"type\":\"object\",\n \"minLength\":1,\n \"additionalProperties\":{\n \"type\":\"object\"\n }\n },\n \"code\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"nullable\":true\n }\n }\n },\n \"Filter\":{\n \"type\":\"object\",\n \"required\":[\n \"filter\"\n ],\n \"properties\":{\n \"filter\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"description\":\"The filter to use.\",\n \"example\":\"filter={filter expression}\"\n },\n \"option\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"description\":\"The option for the filter.\",\n \"example\":\"option=limit({start},{count})\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"urn_samm_org.eclipse.esmf.samm_characteristic_2.1.0_Text\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"description\":\"Describes a Property which contains plain text. This is intended exclusively for human readable strings, not for identifiers, measurement values, etc.\"\n },\n \"\":{\n \"type\":\"number\",\n \"minimum\":-2147483648,\n \"maximum\":2147483647\n },\n \"\":{\n \"type\":\"number\"\n },\n \"\":{\n \"type\":\"string\",\n \"pattern\":\"-?([1-9][0-9]{3,}|0[0-9]{3})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])T(([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](\\\\.[0-9]+)?|(24:00:00(\\\\.0+)?))(Z|(\\\\+|-)((0[0-9]|1[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]|14:00))?\"\n },\n \"ValidTestAspect\":{\n \"type\":\"object\",\n \"properties\":{\n \"testString\":{\n \"description\":\"A big description for testString which it will be splitted by generation into multiple lines\",\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/urn_samm_org.eclipse.esmf.samm_characteristic_2.1.0_Text\"\n },\n \"testInt\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/\"\n },\n \"testFloat\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/\"\n },\n \"testLocalDateTime\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/\"\n },\n \"randomValue\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/urn_samm_org.eclipse.esmf.samm_characteristic_2.1.0_Text\"\n }\n },\n \"required\":[\n \"testString\",\n \"testInt\",\n \"testFloat\",\n \"testLocalDateTime\",\n \"randomValue\"\n ]\n }\n },\n \"responses\":{\n \"Unauthorized\":{\n \"description\":\"The requesting user or client is not authenticated.\"\n },\n \"Forbidden\":{\n \"description\":\"The requesting user or client is not authorized to access resources for the given tenant.\"\n },\n \"NotFoundError\":{\n \"description\":\"The requested Twin has not been found.\"\n },\n \"ClientError\":{\n \"description\":\"Payload or user input is invalid. See error details in the payload for more.\",\n \"content\":{\n \"application/json\":{\n \"schema\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n \"ValidTestAspect\":{\n \"content\":{\n \"application/json\":{\n \"schema\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/ValidTestAspect\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"description\":\"The request was successful.\"\n }\n },\n \"requestBodies\":{\n \"ValidTestAspect\":{\n \"content\":{\n \"application/json\":{\n \"schema\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/ValidTestAspect\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n \"Filter\":{\n \"content\":{\n \"application/json\":{\n \"schema\":{\n \"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/Filter\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n"
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (AspectModelUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0%23Movement Encoded qualified identifier of the Aspect Model Element |
<<binary content>>
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (AspectModelUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0%23Movement Encoded qualified identifier of the Aspect Model Element |
{- "assetAdministrationShells": [
- {
- "modelType": "AssetAdministrationShell",
- "assetInformation": {
- "assetKind": "Type"
}, - "submodels": [
- {
- "keys": [
- {
- "type": "Submodel",
- "value": ""
], - "type": "ModelReference"
], - "administration": { },
- "id": "",
- "description": [
- {
- "language": "en",
- "text": "defaultAdminShell"
], - "idShort": "defaultAdminShell"
], - "conceptDescriptions": [ ]
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
urn required | string (AspectModelUrn) Example: urn%3Asamm%3Acom.mycompany%3A1.0.0%23Movement Encoded qualified identifier of the Aspect Model Element |
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <aas:environment xmlns:aas="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" AAS.xsd"> <aas:assetAdministrationShells> <aas:assetAdministrationShell> <aas:idShort>defaultAdminShell</aas:idShort> <aas:description> <aas:langStringTextType> <aas:language>en</aas:language> <aas:text>defaultAdminShell</aas:text> </aas:langStringTextType> </aas:description> <aas:administration/> <aas:id>urn:samm:com.mycompany.test:1.2.0#TestAspect</aas:id> <aas:assetInformation> <aas:assetKind>Type</aas:assetKind> </aas:assetInformation> <aas:submodels/> </aas:assetAdministrationShell> </aas:assetAdministrationShells> <aas:conceptDescriptions/> </aas:environment>
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
page required | integer >= 0 Default: 0 Index of the current page |
pageSize required | integer [ 1 .. 500 ] Default: 500 Number of items per page |
namespacePattern | string or null [ 1 .. 100 ] characters Search for a namespace. Wildcard is supported at the end only. |
state | string or null Enum: "DRAFT" "RELEASED" "DEPRECATED" The possible workflow states a namespace can have |
object or null Search within the range of versions |
{- "page": 0,
- "pageSize": 500,
- "namespacePattern": "move*",
- "state": "RELEASED",
- "versionRangePattern": {
- "minVersion": "1.0.0",
- "maxVersion": "10.0.0",
- "strategy": "VERSION_RANGE"
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- "currentPage": 0,
- "totalPages": 0,
- "itemCount": 0,
- "items": [
- {
- "urn": "urn:samm:com.mycompany:1.0.0",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "namespace": "com.mycompany",
- "state": "RELEASED",
- "owned": true,
- "stateChangedAt": "2023-06-20T05:26:00.123456789Z",
- "numberOfAspects": 0,
- "numberOfProperties": 0,
- "numberOfCharacteristics": 0,
- "numberOfEvents": 0,
- "numberOfOperations": 0,
- "numberOfEntities": 0,
- "numberOfConstraints": 0
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
page required | integer >= 0 Default: 0 Index of the current page |
pageSize required | integer [ 1 .. 500 ] Default: 500 Number of items per page |
modelElementNamePattern | string or null [ 3 .. 100 ] characters Search for a name. Wildcard is supported at the end only. |
object (ModelElementPreferredNamePatternDto) Search for preferred name. Wildcard is supported at the end only. | |
state | string (StateDto) Enum: "DRAFT" "RELEASED" "DEPRECATED" The possible workflow states a namespace can have |
object (VersionRangeSearchPatternDto) Search within the range of versions | |
modelElementTypes | Array of strings or null (ModelElementTypeDto) unique Items Enum: "ASPECT" "OPERATION" "EVENT" "PROPERTY" "ENTITY" "CHARACTERISTIC" "CONSTRAINT" Search for element types. |
namespacePattern | string or null [ 1 .. 100 ] characters Search for one or more namespaces. Wildcard is supported at the end only. |
{- "page": 0,
- "pageSize": 500,
- "modelElementNamePattern": "move*",
- "modelElementPreferredNamePattern": {
- "preferredNamePattern": "Movement",
- "local": "de"
}, - "state": "RELEASED",
- "versionRangePattern": {
- "minVersion": "1.0.0",
- "maxVersion": "10.0.0",
- "strategy": "VERSION_RANGE"
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], - "namespacePattern": "*"
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- "currentPage": 0,
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- "items": [
- {
- "urn": "urn:samm:com.mycompany:1.0.0#SpatialPosition",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "namespace": "com.mycompany",
- "name": "SpatialPosition",
- "type": "Aspect",
- "state": "RELEASED",
- "description": {
- "en": "Position in space, described along three axis, with the third axis optional, if all positions are in a plane.",
- "de": "Position im Raum, entlang dreier Achsen beschrieben, wobei die dritte Achse optional ist, wenn alle Positionen in einer Ebene liegen."
}, - "fileName": "Common.ttl"
tenantId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of the owning tenant |
{- "totalItems": 0,
- "currentPage": 0,
- "totalPages": 0,
- "itemCount": 0,
- "items": [
- {
- "prefix": "com.mycompany"